Hi there and welcome back to the podcast.
I hope you are having a nice week so far.
I know from going through check-in forms this week that a lot of you,
including myself, are feeling pretty burnt out from the holidays,
so I want you to use January as a time to reconnect,
slow down, and set some boundaries for yourself.
Focus on self-care because you can't pour from an empty cup.
And trust me, I know because I am the queen of living on an
empty cup. Before we move in- To this episode,
I want you to pause,
unclench your jaw, take a deep breath in,
hold for three seconds. Now let it out.
I don't know about you, but I already feel- better just from that one
breath. Good work. So,
this episode is interesting because every person who suggested a topic for
this episode suggested almost exactly the same thing,
which is preconception, preparing your body for baby and supporting- healthy,
estrogen, and progesterone levels.
So, this episode is going to be focused on that,
which I'm really excited about. The first specific question on this topic
was, does the root cause approach help women with preconception prep,
even if we haven't specified- that as a part of our goals with you?
And the answer to this is absolutely 100% yes.
In fact, I've worked with many women who had given up on working with
fertility specialists and joined the root cause clinic as their last hope.
Low and behold, when, We addressed the real root causes preventing them from getting
pregnant in the first place. They got pregnant within a few months of working
together. I actually talk about three of these pregnancy success stories in my
free master class. I'll link it in the notes below if you want to
check it out. The problem in our society when it comes to fertility is
that we're asking the wrong questions. We're asking,
what do your hormone levels look like? How is your egg quality?
What interventions can we use to force a pregnancy,
essentially? And this is all wrong.
And why conventional fertility methods have very Because
the correct question to ask is what is the root cause?
Is it stagnation in the liver, preventing proper estrogen and progesterone metabolism?
And a note on this I see an overburden deliverer as a root cause
of so many infertility cases, so it's really quite common.
Is it chronic stress or nervous system dysregulation,
preventing the body from producing sex hormones?
Is it parasite overgrowth? That's harming the gut lining and preventing proper nutrient absorption?
Is it having metals bound to the uterus interfering with?
With hormone signaling, I talk about this specifically in module five of
the root cause clinic online course, but it's estimated that more than 10% of
women worldwide are at risk of infertility because of heavy metal exposure.
So, when it comes to prepping the body for baby,
one of the- most important things you can do is not only educate yourself
on living a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle,
but do the necessary drainage and detox work to remove heavy metals like lead,
cadmium, and mercury from the body.
The next question on this topic was,
how to raise progesterone levels naturally.
Because progesterone is a hormone of abundance and fertility,
there's really one word that encompasses how to raise progesterone,
and that's nourishment. And,
under-nourished female body is never going to produce enough progesterone,
and that's just a simple fact. The most important ways to create this
baseline of nourishment are nutrition,
cultivating emotional safety, and removing harmful toxins and pathogens that
trigger the fight-or-flight response. And their in the body.
Opening drainage pathways, especially the liver pathway,
I mentioned, are really important here.
I find that this alone tends to boost progesterone levels in a lot of
the womenet I work with. But again,
everyone's toxin load is totally different.
I pre- personally had to detox for about 18 months before my symptoms of
low progesterone made even the slightest improvement.
I was a very, very extreme case, but that's just to keep it in
perspective. Nutrition is extremely important as well for progesterone.
Especially, magnesium, zinc,
and healthy fats. One thing that a lot of people don't know is that
progesterone is actually synthesized from cholesterol.
So healthy fat intake is crucial.
Foods like avocado, yee,
coconut oil, pastured meats, and f***ing.
Wild-caught fish are really great for this.
In terms of cultivating emotional safety,
I find that a lot of women take all the supplements,
all the diets, all the protocols for progesterone,
but they're very dysregulated in their nervous system,
so nothing really works. And that- That's because they're living in a constant state
of stress, and your body does not want to make a baby if it
thinks it's constantly being chased by a bear,
essentially. Um, so this is something I myself am still working on,
so know that bringing emotional balance into your life,
it takes time and effort. But, as long as you're aware of your stress
levels and actively making choices to support your emotional health,
you're doing amazing in this respect. So,
to really wrap things up, if your main goal is to conceive or just
improve your fertility, then there are three important- steps you need to take.
The first is to identify and address any root causes preventing your body
from producing sex hormones. So things like parasite overgrowth,
heavy metals, toxin exposures,
etc. And this is something we're actively working on together
inside the root cause clinic. So because you're doing this work,
you don't really have to worry too much about this on your end.
The second is to nourish your body with the right nutrition and make sure
you are getting an abundance of protein,
bio-vibil- available minerals and healthy fats in your diet.
If you've spent a lot of time restricting,
you need to focus on abundance to signal to your body that you aren't
in a famine. The female body will automatically shut down reproductive responses when
it thinks it's in a famine. So that's also why I don't recommend intermittent
fasting for women. The third is to establish emotional safety
in any way that you can. And this will look different depending on the
person. I found journaling is really a helpful tool here,
as well as somatic experiencing therapy.
To help detect any trauma patterns or habits that might be keeping you in
a state of chronic stress on a subconscious level.
So just really becoming conscious about your day to day stress levels is important
here. Hopefully that is helpful for those of you who are wondering about
preconception prep and how root,
Hopefully that's helpful for those of you who are wondering about preconception.
And how root cause work really ties into it all.
I call it root cause work, but it's completely holistic and all-encompassing,
so we really are addressing all of the things that contribute to hormone advances
in the first place. I say it over and over again,
but harp. We're That was I say it over
and over again, but hormones aren't really a root cause.
We always have to look further upstream to figure out what's causing hormones to
become imbalanced in the first place. Let me know in the group chat if
you have any thoughts or questions as you listen to me.
And now that you have this information,
I challenge you to do one thing today that will support your fertility and
hormone health. Even if it's something as small as taking a walk outside and
doing some deep breathing, whatever feels nourishing for you.
Today, I want you to do that. Sending you all so much love and
I hope you have a great rest of your day. Bye bye.