Hi everyone, I hope you're having a lovely week so far.
I'm excited to dive into some of the great topics you've sent me for
this Root Cause podcast. Before I begin,
I want to start by sharing a quote that most people already know of,
but I think it's important to reiterate, and that's that all disease begins in
the gut by ancient Greek physician Hippocrates.
As many of you have probably already realized,
from passing parasites and beginning to clear old,
fermented waste out of your gut, this statement could not be more true.
Yes, there are other root causes and organs that contribute to stress in the
body, but at the end of the day, a gut filled with toxins,
is what drives 99% of all chronic illness.
Because you aren't what you eat,
you are what you absorb. And beyond that,
many practitioners nowadays focus on bacterial overgrowth like H.
pylori and Candida overgrowth as a root cause.
But what's causing those pathogens to overgrow?
The reason those pathogens are overgrowing is because there are pounds of waste
fermenting in the colon, creating a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus to overgrow.
And those pathogens are opportunistic organisms,
which is why it doesn't always make sense to address them directly.
And what causes that waste to ferment in the intestine?
Well, the standard American diet,
chronic stress and trauma, hidden infections like root canals,
heavy metal and chemical buildup, and parasite overgrowth.
When we address those things first, it's not necessarily to do as
much work. When we address
those things first, it's not necessarily to do as much work with candida or
bacteria because their levels will regulate on their own.
Most people would see drastic differences in their health if all they focused on
was foundational health like nutrition,
opening up drainage pathways, emotional health,
and parasite cleansing. So,
with that being said, let's jump into some of your questions for this week.
The first question was, I was wondering if I'll have to do a follow-up
parasite cleanse once I've completed my parasite cleansing inside this program.
So when it comes to our work inside the Root Cause Clinic,
my ultimate goal is for you to never need me anymore.
Working with Terrain Theory, we're trying to bring your body back to homeostasis,
so you don't need to be on extreme detox protocols for the rest of
your life. We will touch on this as your program comes to an end,
but my recommendation is to parasite cleanse for as long as your body needs
to in order to fully clear the overgrowth,
and beyond that, to do a two to three week parasite cleanse once or
twice per year for maintenance. I like the CellCore intestinal permeability kit
for this. I will link more information on that in the notes below.
Our ancestors routinely consumed anti-parasitic herbs to clear their bodies of these pathogens,
which is ancient knowledge that's been lost in the last several hundred years.
Routine parasite cleansing is completely normal and healthy,
but there's no need to overdo it once you've already done this comprehensive root
cause work. A question I get a lot on the same topic is how
do I know when I'm done parasite cleansing?
And this is a good question. It's a tricky question because the answer will
be different depending on who you ask. My answer is we know that your
body no longer wants to continue parasite cleansing when it's no longer testing strong
in muscle testing for anti-parasitic support.
So with this approach, we're really listening to your body.
Tuning into your bioenergetic code and giving it exactly what it needs.
Nothing more and nothing less. So that is my approach to parasite cleansing and
that has what that is what has worked for me and my clients.
Um other practitioners might have a different answer,
but that is where I have seen the most success.
And that's how we really know that we've cleared the overgrowth and we don't
need to do work through parasites anymore.
Okay the next question was can you touch on anything MCAS focused
aka mass cell activation syndrome?
Um anything you personally experienced?
Client success with overcoming this, reasons why it occurs,
and if it can always be reversed with root cause treatment?
I love this question because mass cell activation syndrome is so commonly misunderstood
in both mainstream and holistic medicine.
Let's look at it this way. What are mass cells when you really break
it down? Mass cells in their simplest form are your body's defense against
pathogens. They're kind of the alarm bells that go off.
Um mass cells they play an important role in how the immune system responds
to certain bacteria and parasites and they also help control other types of immune
responses too. So they contain chemicals like histamine,
uh cytokines, and growth factors.
And 99% of information on the market about mass cell activation
is how to minimize and mitigate it with herbs like stinging nettle or Dow
enzymes, not how to address the root cause of it.
And while everyone is different when it comes to mass cell responses,
the root causes in clients I've worked with is almost always the same.
Parasite overgrowth is usually one of the biggest factors because parasites release huge
amounts of histamines in the body, in what triggers a mass cell response more
than anything else, histamines. Mold,
heavy metals, and chemicals in the tissues can also drive up histamine levels.
Obviously stress and trauma are factors too,
which is why I always recommend mind-body-spirit release or something similar for my MCAS
clients. This really helps to calm down the stress response while we work through
drainage and toxin load. There are also a lot of different medications that can
aggravate the mass cell response, especially birth control.
Birth control increases estrogen levels in the body.
And estrogen is known to trigger higher histamines.
A lot of people look at food when it comes to mass cells and
say, oh, you just need to avoid histamines and you'll feel better.
While that may work for a while,
if you don't address the real root causes, your body is going to keep
signaling those alarm bells until you do. And avoiding sauerkraut,
sauerkraut and kombucha for your whole life is not going to address those root
causes at the end of the day. So the question,
can MCAS always be reversed with root cause work?
It's a tricky answer because I can't treat or diagnose as an FDN and
I can't make any guarantees. But, what I can say is that I've worked
with at least, at least 80 MCAS clients,
probably more at this point, and all of them made significant progress while doing
this work. The only caveats are A,
if there are hidden infections like root canals contributing to the stress,
which I obviously can't help much with.
Um, or B, if there is a high degree of trauma involved,
in which case you'll make great progress with me,
and then I'll refer out for additional trauma support.
Ultimately, it's not a question of if you can heal,
it's a question of are you willing to put in the time and consistency
it takes to really work through those layers of stress that are contributing to
those mass cell reactions. It's absolutely possible to go from severe mass cell
reactions to zero sensitivity. It just takes time.
Another way to look at it, like I talked about in the Root Cause
Clinic online course, is the stress bucket theory.
If you're having a lot of mass cell reactions,
that is a sign that your stress bucket is overflowing and we need to
go in and start taking out some of that water,
some of those drops that are in the bucket. Slowly but surely we're going
to work on draining that bucket, increasing the feelings of safety in your body,
and slowly but surely those reactions are going to come down.
And as you saw in the online course,
that stress bucket fills up with mental-emotional stress,
toxins, inflammatory foods,
all of those things put drops into the bucket.
So the more we can improve all these different areas,
the easier it's going to be to recreate that safety in the body,
um. bring more safety to your immune system so it's not constantly
flaring up anymore, and slowly but surely you're going to see that mast cell
reaction come down with time. The next question was in response
to my last email newsletter. where I shared my favorite protein powder brand.
It's called Prime Protein. I'll link the details in the notes below if you
want to check it out. So the question was,
what is Prime Protein and why is it better than whey or pea protein?
So when it comes to protein powders, I'm typically one to say you're much
better off just eating a piece of steak because most protein powders are full
of fillers, they're usually not tested for heavy metals,
and they tend to upset the gut because they're difficult to absorb.
Also, on top of that, most people don't do well with whey protein because
it's a processed form of dairy. Um, so I started trialing out Prime
Protein about six months ago because it's made of bee- excuse me,
beef isolate protein. So,
essentially, it's made the same way collagen is made by slow-simmering beef,
but it's a complete protein unlike collagen.
It does still have collagen and gelatin in it as well,
so you're getting a lot more bang for your buck than you are with
just collagen alone. I also really like their transparency,
they release all of their heavy metal testing.
And formulas, their formulas are extremely clean,
and their formulas only have a few ingredients.
Beef isolate protein, organic stevia,
and then whatever flavor it is, so for example,
cocoa powder. So far,
I've been taking it at least once per day to help with muscle growth.
I love it, my husband loves it.
A few other clients that have started it say that they love it,
and it's not upsetting their guts, which is great.
It also tastes amazing, and I am very picky when it comes to protein
powder taste. I think most of them are really gross,
um, but their flavors, they've really nailed them,
and they don't have any kind of gross additives in them,
which is awesome. So if you're looking for something to add as an additional
boost of protein, into your day, I really recommend prime protein.
Obviously, I'll keep you all updated on my journey with this,
but so far, I myself, and everyone I've recommended it to,
have loved it. So I'll link more information in the notes below.
If you have any specific questions about it, feel free to chat me as
well. All right, that's everything for this week.
Thanks again for sharing your amazing questions and topics.
I know a few of you submitted your check-in today with additional topics.
I will make sure to get to those in the next podcast,
and if you want information on that before then,
shoot me a chat, and I will send it to you there as well.
Um, I hope this was helpful. Feel free to let me know your thoughts
and questions in the chat portal. I hope you have a wonderful lovely rest
of your week, and thanks for listening. Bye-bye.