Hi there and welcome to the first official episode of the
Root Cause Clinic private podcast.
I am super excited to launch this.
Thank you so much for all of your great input,
the questions you asked, the topics you submitted.
I am super excited to dive into all of this and get your questions
answered. As this is the first official podcast I have ever
recorded, I wanted to kick it off with a healing
quote from Bob Goff. This is one of my favorite quotes of all time.
Embrace uncertainty, some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won't
have a title until much later.
All right and with that being said,
let me jump right into your questions.
So the first question that I wanted to cover today was,
how will I know if I'm passing parasites? I see photos on your Instagram
but I'm just unsure. Great question.
At the end of the day,
if you are on an anti-parasitic like this,
Para1, you are definitely passing parasites.
Especially if you have been on the Para1 for at least a couple of
weeks. At the end of the day, if you have a pulse,
you have a parasite. So if you're not seeing them,
they are probably compacted in your stool.
Some of my braver clients will take a chopstick or a disposable fork.
And kind of dig and look around.
You might start seeing more with time as well.
Especially if we increase your dose of Para1.
I also say for every parasite that you do see,
you're probably passing 10 to 20 in your stool that you aren't seeing.
They're either compacted in the stool or they are in So they're
definitely there. A lot of people tend to see more parasites right after they
do a coffee enema. So if we don't have coffee enemas in your protocol
yet, we'll probably layer those in with a little bit more time.
But those are two things that I usually say when
people aren't really seeing a lot of parasites.
Parasite pictures that I tend to post on Instagram,
usually those pictures are taken after an enema.
So hopefully that makes sense. If you have any questions about that,
feel free to chat me. Another question in regards to parasites was
what is a rope worm? I tried to look it up,
but all I get are articles claiming that it's actually just a intestinal lining.
So this is a really good question. I get this question all the time.
Um a rope worm at the end of the day is not actually a
helminth parasite. Um it's more so considered a combination of bacteria,
molds, and fungus,
biofilm, that are kind of living together and they have sort of created
one organism, which I know sounds really crazy and gross,
but a lot of people have high levels of rope worms,
especially in their colon. That's a really big root cause of constipation,
and typically when you start parasites, parasite cleansing,
what you're going to cleanse first is those rope worms.
Rope worms and things like biofilm create this almost blockage
where other helminth parasites like tapeworms can hide in the body,
so you're probably going to pass those first,
and then you'll start seeing other kinds of parasites,
tapeworms, ringworms.
um liver flukes, those kinds of helminths after you
purge a lot of those ropeworm and biofilm materials.
And if you have no idea what I'm talking about when I say ropeworms,
shoot me a chat. I can also send you the link to my parasite
identification highlight on Instagram which has some pictures in it.
there as well. Next question also related to parasite
cleansing. So how long do I need a parasite cleanse for and what should
I do beyond this program? So this is a tricky question because everyone has
vastly different parasite loads. Some people do great only parasite cleansing for a couple
of months and then uhm just do a few maintenance protocols beyond that.
In terms of maintenance protocols, I usually recommend doing a parasite cleanse once
or twice per year. The parasite cleanse that I like is called the
Intestinal Permeability Kit by Cellcor.
And I will also link this in the notes so you can have access
to that. But once we off-board you from your program,
I will send you some more information on that as well.
As you're actively in this parasite cleansing phase,
I say at least two to three months minimum of consistent parasite
cleansing is what most people need. Um there's a lot of people out there
who need who do full moon cleanses that are just a week or a
few days long, or they'll only parasite cleanse once per month for
a couple of days. At the end of the day,
um, that's not really doing much.
We really have to tackle that overgrowth all in one go or else
they're just going to breed, reproduce, and recreate that overgrowth.
They're very opportunistic organisms, so we really want to hit the ground running and
clear it while your body's ready to do that instead of the stop and
go, um, if that makes sense.
So, next question was about coffee enemas.
Is there any trick to know how much of the enema fluid you when
trying to split the batch 50-50 for two rounds.
So, when it comes to coffee enemas,
obviously I have instructions in my coffee enema guide,
but it really depends on the person.
Some people can't hold their half of the enema
batch in at once, and they'll split it into three or even four rounds.
That's totally fine. Just do what's best for you and what feels good.
If you're finding that you release some of the fluid
in, and you can only hold it for like a few seconds,
try to do it in smaller bursts and smaller rounds.
To know how much of the enema fluid is going in,
especially if you're using the steel bucket, you can't really tell,
I usually just recommend like grabbing the bucket and just
holding it and kind of weighing with your hand like how much is left,
because obviously when it's inside of you, you don't really know.
How much is in there, unless you're seeing what's in the bucket.
Um so if you need any extra support with enemas,
feel free to chat me anytime. If we haven't added these into your protocol
yet, this is something potentially that we will add in as soon as you're
testing strong for it. Another enema question was,
is it normal to have digestive issues the next day or two?
After doing an enema, when it comes to coffee enemas,
when you start doing them for the first time, they are going to be
clearing out so much compacted stool,
so much fermented waste, lots of toxins and pathogens,
um so it is very normal to get kind of some wonky
symptoms the next couple of days. It's not a bad thing,
it's just a sign that your body is purging a lot.
As you do more coffee enemas,
um with more time, those symptoms will subside and they'll feel just
a lot more comfortable and a lot more just like a part of your
day-to-day routine. Um the last coffee enema question was,
now that I'm able to hold it in longer. between 12 to 15 minutes,
I feel the caffeine afterwards. Is it okay to go down to closer to
one to two tablespoons and hold it in for 10 minutes each round?
Will I still get the benefits? Yes. So at the end of the day,
if you're feeling a bit jittery with the caffeine,
you can definitely reduce the amount of coffee that you are putting in your
enema solution. You can also play around with different kinds of coffee.
I really like the brand Purity. If you search enema coffee on Amazon,
there's a few different good ones that are certified mycotoxin-free.
Sometimes different blends will have a little bit more caffeine.
So if you feel like the certain blend that you're using is causing some
jitteriness, you can also play around with using a different brand.
When it comes to holding it in,
yes, 10 minutes for each round is great. Even if you can only hold
it in for 5 minutes each round,
I'm awesome. You're still going to get great benefits from that.
The main benefit we're actually looking for with coffee enemas is the
coffee absorbing through your intestinal walls.
the gut scrubbing effect that you get from coffee enemas is just
kind of a secondary effect. The primary benefit we're looking for is just getting
those beneficial compounds that are in the coffee into your system.
So even if you're only doing it for a few minutes,
you're still getting those benefits and just work up to longer times as
you get more used to doing enemas. Okay,
that's a lot of talk about enemas. So I will shift gears.
If you have any other questions, as always,
feel free to chat me. I'm happy to troubleshoot enema stuff anytime.
The next question was about sudden onset insomnia,
kind of what to explore, root causes,
things of that nature. So with any sudden onset symptoms,
I'm looking at two things if all other factors have been considered.
And by other factors, I mean just like general lifestyle stuff,
stress, blue light at night.
Um, the two main things I'm looking at are the nervous system.
Is there something emotionally kind of coming to the surface that's ready to be
processed? When we're seeing symptoms that are typically associated
with the nervous system, like insomnia,
that's the first thing I am usually looking at,
especially if it's just coming up out of the blue.
It could be a trauma response, it could be the case where we've done
so much detox work that your nervous system is experiencing more safety,
and it's kind of ready to process some emotional stuff.
that you might have been holding on to for a while.
The other thing I'm looking at is if there's a new layer of pathogens
or target, excuse me, toxins being targeted that are potentially
acting up at night. A lot of pathogens,
especially parasites, do tend to be more active at night
because they live in accordance with our melatonin cycles.
So, what I would do there is muscle test for some protocol updates,
see if I can potentially pinpoint any pathogens or parasites that are maybe
flaring up and causing that. With this particular client,
we did it. end up figuring out that it was more emotional,
um I think it was kind of a combination of things but I could
definitely tell there were some emotions coming to the surface there which is a
good thing at the end of the day. And with things like this,
I really encourage you to shift your mindset from,
oh my gosh there's a new symptom. Coming up,
something's terribly wrong to, okay this symptom is interesting.
I wonder if I've kind of hit a new layer of detox,
a new layer of healing and my body is telling me,
okay there's something new that needs to be addressed.
Let's shift things a little bit. Um,
it's really an opportunity to,
instead of falling into that fear trap,
really listen to your body and see if you can kind of tell what
it is that's driving that symptom.
And obviously that's what I'm here for too, with muscle testing,
with chat support, really helping you walk through these symptoms.
Because in my experience,
when a client experiences a new symptom,
I get a little bit excited because,
for me, that tells me they're hitting a new layer of detox,
maybe we've cleared a pathogen, or we've cleared something else,
and this is our body's way of saying, okay,
you know, I'm ready to move on to the next skit. here, I'm ready
to move on to the next layer, uhm,
okay. Last thing that was submitted as a topic
for this podcast was a little bit more about my own background and my
story, and this is a very long story,
so uhm, I'm going to give the CliffsNotes version because I don't think anyone
will like anyone wants to sit here for 4 hours, uhm,
so, kind of starting from the beginning as a baby,
basically right as I was born, uhm,
very traumatic birth, I was on antibiotics pretty much for 4 years straight,
I had colic, I was a very sick baby, uhm,
throughout my life, I was on a pretty normal child,
but my mom had a very long history of autoimmune disease,
she definitely had a really high toxin load,
uhm, we live in Michigan, she went to all the best doctors in Michigan,
she went to the best doctors in Chicago,
she was gaslit, she was put on these crazy protocols that only made her
worse, uhm, she had very very severe depression,
fibromyalgia, depression,
anxiety, I mean a whole slew of symptoms,
and this was far before the field of root cause work
has really, really started to catalyze,
so I grew up watching her struggle,
uhm, I was somewhat normal throughout my childhood and teens,
but I did have pretty bad anxiety,
I had a couple different eating disorders as a teen,
and when I graduated high school, uhm,
I actually had my wisdom teeth removed a couple months after I graduated,
and I had a horrible infection in my bottom right wisdom tooth.
Obviously, it was a traditional dentist,
he didn't really think twice about it, they kind of removed it.
I moved the infection, I think I was on antibiotics and sent me on
my way. I now know post-wisdom teeth cavitation
surgery that that catalyzed a lot of my symptoms.
Um, probably the reason why I was so susceptible to chronic Lyme disease,
because, Borrelia loves to hang out in cavitation sites.
Um, anyways, at the same time,
my parents also went through a very messy divorce.
I experienced a lot of trauma. I did not have the nervous system tools
to deal with what happened and so I just buried a lot of it.
Um, and then it kind of expressed its- self as over exercising
or thoraxia. Um, I became a vegan for four years.
Lots of different things happened um,
as I went off to college but that was really what catalyzed everything and
I find that to be the case with most of my clients.
Chronic symptoms don't happen and avoid.
There's usually- umm an acute trauma,
uhh a period of high stress,
and also an exposure to a pathogen or toxin.
All those things at once usually tip the scales,
overflow the toxin bucket and that's where we start to see these quote unquote
mystery symptoms but they aren't really a mystery.
Umm, your body's very intelligent. Noth- no nothing happens and avoids so umm
in my own story you know I can clearly look back and kind of
put together the timeline of what happened and why I ended up having really
severe chronic Lyme disease. Anyways,
uhh, fast forward about a decade went by uhh I had Very
severe chronic symptoms, panic attacks,
severe anxiety, severe depression, cystic acne,
joint pain, insomnia, umm I mean I can go on for ages,
horrible horrible symptoms. I saw lots and lots of doctors,
both traditional and holistic umm I did,
every protocol under the sun, every diet,
every- I mean you can think of, I mean every test you could possibly
imagine has been ran on my body,
no one could help me and I only got worse over time.
So towards the end of that decade I was working full time
in marketing, I was very sick, I worked remotely,
I pretty much couldn't get off of the couch at this point.
I decided to take my health into my own hands,
I went back to school to become an F.D.N.
umm as kind of a Hail Mary honestly and even
after becoming an F.D.N. learning all this information,
running all the tests on myself in a holistic way,
I still didn't see any success, I still was very sick umm.
So that's when I really went down the wormhole of energy work,
bioenergetics, started working with a root cause practitioner who did muscle testing
umm. I also became a mind body spirit release practitioner and that
is where my healing journey actually started umm.
So there was a decade of time where I was trying all the things.
It's essentially umm. But I got nowhere,
I only got worse umm.
And then it wasn't until I discovered energy work where my true healing journey
began. So umm, it took about two years of very concentrated concentrated
and targeted brain and support,
detox work, emotional work, trauma work,
umm, mind, body spirit release, and that is when I got to the point
where I can basically say I'm symptom free.
Umm, so it was a very very long journey and the reason
why I'm so passionate about doing what I do is because I'll f although
it might seem simple in our check ins or as you go through the
online course, this is many,
many, many years of research and trauma and suffering
and experience and I have tried to put it all together
in a way that is very simple. It's really All right, we'll very easy
to digest and very effective when you're struggling with chronic symptoms.
So that was really my main goal when I put together the root cause
clinic. Umm,
I'm tearing up, I don't know why. Anyways,
that is kind of the succinct version of my story.
There's definitely lots of pieces I'm missing out.
But that's a general synopsis and this is getting very
long so I'm probably going to end it here.
I just want to thank you all again for a sending in
topics and questions and b being understanding of switching from the group
calls to the bi-weekly private podcast.
I just want to make sure that I'm always providing the best support for
you. You're getting your questions answered and you also feel like you always have
me as a support system and a touch point. Um,
with the group calls I think they were great in theory but we
are all in vastly different time zones and people were not able to join.
So. Oh. Feel free to send over your
thoughts any additional questions if you feel like you missed the group calls.
I'm happy to add some back in. Um,
I used to do solely one-to-one client support and the root cause clinic
is kind of a hybrid version of that so I'm just trying to create
something that works best for everybody. Um,
so I hope you all have a great weekend.
I meant to send this out earlier.
I'm kind of getting in the hang of things in terms of recording and
downloading podcasts. So expect things to look a lot better in
future recordings. Um,
but yeah, I hope you all have a great weekend and,
And I will chat with you all soon.
Bye bye.